A couple of common household pests that you may mostly come across inside a residential property are sowbugs and pill bugs. However, these minuscule species are neither bugs or insects. These are tiny crustaceans, which have a great resemblance to crayfish. Despite having identical behavior and similar appearance, pillbugs and sowbugs are two different species. An infestation of such ruinous pests in your house can make your life immensely stressful.
Both these creatures belong to a group of species known as woodlice. They enjoy feeding on decaying materials made from wood. Contact certified exterminators at a leading local pest control company if you have lately spotted an infestation of sowbugs and pillbugs inside your house. These species mostly live on decomposing wood items, cardboard, and paper.
Read on to become cognizant of the efficacious measures, implementing which timely can help you eliminate pillbugs and sowbugs in your home.
Get Rid of Rotting Substances
Both pillbugs and sowbugs look for dead, damp, and decaying plant-based substances and wood apart from moisture. You may find these destructive creatures scurrying away whenever you lift a plywood plank or pile of wet cardboard on a floor. Getting rid of such material carefully will help you eliminate these species in your residence.
You may also come across sowbugs and pillbugs in structural framing with thresholds made from wood for doors besides sill plates for walls. Repair or replace damaged wooden items without any delay to keep an infestation of these bugs at bay.
Eliminate Sources of Moisture
For survival, both pillbugs and sowbugs require moisture. They can’t even survive a couple of days without sufficient moisture. Instead of using toxic chemicals, try to get rid of sources of moisture. Take proper steps to dry up moist and damp areas inside and outside of your residential property. Habitual issues with these ruinous bugs in structural framing are quite frequent.
Try to remove mulch around your property’s foundation as much as possible to reduce moistness, which eventually will lead to the death of sowbugs and pillbugs. Also, resolve water runoff issues and keep the area around outer walls dry to keep these creatures in your house in check.
Make and Apply Garlic-Water Solution
An effective home remedy for an infestation of sowbugs and pillbugs in a house is applying the garlic-water solution on moist or damp areas. The solution has a pungent odor that helps keep these minuscule creatures away.
Use Diatomaceous Earth
I am wondering what you will do with diatomaceous earth? You need it to cover damp and moist spots effectively in your home. This specific type of earth can quickly absorb moisture. Hence, apply them to areas that generally remain wet to exterminate pillbugs and sowbugs. These creatures also stay away from invading those areas where you sprinkle diatomaceous earth as they can’t crawl across easily.
Do not delay implementing these simple yet effective measures mentioned above. You will certainly be able to prevent sowbugs and pillbugs from taking over your house if you carefully carry out what’s needful. You should get in touch with professional exterminators whenever you need help to get rid of pests and bugs in your house.