A lot of people think that cockroaches only invade dirty and cluttered homes. But the truth is that various species of roaches may be drawn to different things in your house. Often, they invade homes to find water, food, and shelter. You can read more about this below:
What Draws Roaches into Your Home
If you find roaches inside or outside your house, they may be looking for the following:
- Moisture, a lot of roach species want to stay in damp areas. Anything that allows mold to grow can attract roaches. So, take the time to inspect for pipe leaks under your sink or around plumbing fixtures. Areas of standing water including the water bowl of your pet can attract these pets. Make sure to store kitchen sponges in sealable plastic bags after squeezing them out to ensure they do not come into contact with roaches.
- Crumbs and pet food. Roaches will enter your house if they can find sources of food. To keep roaches at bay, thoroughly clean out your pantry and ensure no crumbs are left on surfaces. Also, pick up your pet bowls and put leftover food in a bag. Make sure your pet food is sealed in airtight containers.
- Dark spaces. A lot of insects are drawn to dark spaces to hide and wait to get their next meal. You may find roaches in cracks, crevices, and holes. You can prevent entry by sealing small entrances if you believe you have a roach issue at home. Pay attention to other places where roaches may be hiding like pantries, under the sink, garages, storage sheds, and closets.
Eliminating a Roach Infestation
Various roach species have different habits and hiding places. A pest control expert will employ different methods depending on the species they deal with. These methods include residual dust, baits, roach barriers, and anti-reproductive inhibitors.
Can You Rely on Bug Bombs?
Experts say that bug bombs cannot effectively eliminate a roach infestation. This is because these products do not reach areas that roaches tend to infest. Also, studies show that bug bombs can leave a significant amount of pesticides on the floor or countertops that humans and pets heavily use.
To minimize the chances of another roach infestation, you should keep your home clean and maintain a vigilant eye. However, if cockroaches still invade your home, contact a pest control service immediately before the numbers become unmanageable. Experts know the right type of solution and elimination method to use to keep your home free of roaches.