Despite many families’ unwillingness to commit to cleaning their home, somehow nearly every family will find the time to do so regularly. Unfortunately, despite how much healthier it is for your family, maintaining a clean and orderly home will require the use of a number of household cleaning products that contain hazardous chemicals. As families have come to find out, all of these products are world-class at disinfecting surfaces and killing pesky bacteria. Many families have also found out the hard way just how hazardous these products can be in the wrong hands. For the safety of your family, it’s imperative to identify the safest ways to store these supplies for the sake of your family. It begins with reading the label! The labels of these products are expected to include all of the information necessary to properly use them. Once learning how to use them has been accomplished, then learning how to store them can be considered. Products that are significantly more hazardous than the general products should not be carelessly stored. Products such as paint thinner, bleach, or drain cleaner are examples of the types of household cleaning supplies that should have their own designated safe space in your home to avoid falling into the wrong hands. Any family interested in additional tips and tricks regarding proper household chemical product storage, including ways to build customizable storage caddies that can be hidden, be sure to review the infographic coupled alongside this post.
Household Chemical Storage Guide from SolvChem Custom Packaging Division, your first choice for custom chemical services